A Beacon Through the Storm
Aaron Aaron

A Beacon Through the Storm

In the quiet of my room, I pen this note to you,

Across the miles that divide, my thoughts incessantly fly,

To where you stand, amid tempests, not of nature's doing,

But of life's intricate dance, challenging, yet imbuing.

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Echoes of Solitude
Aaron Aaron

Echoes of Solitude

In shadows deep, where silence reigns,
A solitary man walks the lanes,
No kin to call, no friend to claim,
An observer in life’s endless game.

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The Sagittarius
Aaron Aaron

The Sagittarius

A fiery train of cosmic might,
A Sagittarius' fearless flight,
Through galaxies and storms untamed,
A voyage bold, a path unnamed.

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Epic Incorporated
Aaron Aaron

Epic Incorporated

This part of this story begins in August of 2017 when the previous total eclipse occurred. My friend Bill was beginning his annual trek out of Florida to travel the country and see friends. More importantly, escape the sweltering heat and humidity that Florida brings that time of year.

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The Wanderer's Sanctuary
Aaron Aaron

The Wanderer's Sanctuary

Beneath its sheltering verdant canopy,
He made his humble resting place to be.
The generous branches nourished readily
With sunset-blushed fruits that fell freely.

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Reflections by the Fire
Aaron Aaron

Reflections by the Fire

By the flickering fire's glow, a man in contemplation sits alone,
Amidst the crackle and the warmth, a silent cabin his reflective zone.
Each log he places with care and thought, akin to nurturing love sought,
A parallel of flame to heart, where tending's art is subtly taught.

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How I improved my love for photography
Aaron Aaron

How I improved my love for photography

A couple of years ago I lost almost all my drive to do anything photography related. I was burning out on photography but not from the exercise of taking the photo. There’s a soul-crushing invisibility that engulfs creatives who no longer feel truly seen.

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The Path Forward is the Path Back

The Path Forward is the Path Back

When I came up with this idea back in 2015, I thought I would just blog and document my journey along the way. The unfortunate reality was my career and a motorcycle accident threw the biggest wrench into my life. I never saw that one coming, but who ever does? If they do, do they just shield their eyes and embrace the upcoming impact?

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Day in the Lyfe of Aaron: Part </a>5
Aaron Aaron

Day in the Lyfe of Aaron: Part 5

Ah sleep, it’s now.... Sunday afternoon? I guess I burnt the candle too much at both ends. I roll over and see I have a message on my phone, I replied back, been sleeping uninterrupted. When it comes to being social and phones, I always opt for being social. I always put my phone on silent and I never take it out unless it blows up due to work. So, when I got to the Mel the night before and I was done sending all my texts. I put my phone on vibrate, or in this evening silent by accident.

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Day in the Lyfe of Aaron: Part 4
Aaron Aaron

Day in the Lyfe of Aaron: Part 4

Saturday 9pm right on schedule. I jump out of the truck and begin to change. My shirt was wet from the rain and sandals were not suitable for a night at the Melody Inn. Lo and behold the motley crew pulls up just as I finish changing. It is Jake, Travis, and Katie. The quartet is back together for yet another night of music and fun.

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Day in the Lyfe of Aaron: Part 3
Aaron Aaron

Day in the Lyfe of Aaron: Part 3

Now it’s about 7pm on Saturday. Radar is lighting up and storms are heading this way. My buddy swings by and picks up the chicken, just in case you forgot about the tacos that have still yet to be made. I’m wiring up my DJI Osmo action camera to the mirror mount just in case there is something interesting to record while driving. Spoiler alert: nothing to be recorded

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Day in the Lyfe of Aaron</a>: Part 2

Day in the Lyfe of Aaron: Part 2

Well, here it is, 3am on Saturday morning. I am awake and can not go back to sleep. I am tired but this list of things I must do today is now running through my over analytical brain. Screw it, I am getting up. All I must do is get through the day and make some tacos. Then I can relax next to a warm campfire and sip some whiskey and go to bed. Boy I couldn’t be much further from what was about to unfold.

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Day in the Lyfe of Aaron

Day in the Lyfe of Aaron

Thursday rolls around and, lo and behold, Robert’s camera has my new Z8 waiting for me. I've been in desperate need of this camera, and the timing is perfect to trade in my old gear to fund this acquisition. Then there's also this yard work I must tackle. To top it all off, the new gimbal is defective. Imagine my surprise when the electronics I bought from Amazon failed to function properly. This throws a wrench into my video production plans for Saturday.

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Surviving Burnout in the Tech Industry
Tech & Gear, Wellness Aaron Tech & Gear, Wellness Aaron

Surviving Burnout in the Tech Industry

As a seasoned professional in the tech industry, I've faced burnout twice. The second time feels far more severe, like the joy and creativity that once fueled my work have been bludgeoned out by years of bureaucracy and repetition. But, in the face of this burnout, I've found ways to channel my creativity and resilience. Join me as I share my personal journey and explore how to find balance amidst the challenges of this fast-paced sector.

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The Importance of Communication
Aaron Aaron

The Importance of Communication

At times, it feels akin to the image of two people, standing perilously close between two speeding trains, while a violent thunderstorm rages overhead. A scenario where effective communication seems like an impossibility.

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A Tale of Two Venues
Music, Events Aaron Music, Events Aaron

A Tale of Two Venues

What does one do when there are two excellent musical events on the same night, at nearly the same times but at two separate venues? You go to both, at the same time! Fortunately, both venues were in very close walking distance from each other and that's exactly what a few friends and I did. To add even more spice to this precarious endeavor, one event was Punk Rock while the other was Blues.

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