The Path Forward is the Path Back
When I came up with this idea back in 2015, I thought I would just blog and document my journey along the way. The unfortunate reality was my career and a motorcycle accident threw the biggest wrench into my life. I never saw that one coming, but who ever does? If they do, do they just shield their eyes and embrace the upcoming impact?

Day in the Lyfe of Aaron: Part 2
Well, here it is, 3am on Saturday morning. I am awake and can not go back to sleep. I am tired but this list of things I must do today is now running through my over analytical brain. Screw it, I am getting up. All I must do is get through the day and make some tacos. Then I can relax next to a warm campfire and sip some whiskey and go to bed. Boy I couldn’t be much further from what was about to unfold.

Day in the Lyfe of Aaron
Thursday rolls around and, lo and behold, Robert’s camera has my new Z8 waiting for me. I've been in desperate need of this camera, and the timing is perfect to trade in my old gear to fund this acquisition. Then there's also this yard work I must tackle. To top it all off, the new gimbal is defective. Imagine my surprise when the electronics I bought from Amazon failed to function properly. This throws a wrench into my video production plans for Saturday.

Reciprocity & Resonance
In all facets of life - be it love, friendship, respect, honesty, communication, or kindness - seek these two key elements: reciprocity and resonance. If the energy you put into life or relationships isn't reciprocated or doesn't resonate with what is returned, it's like casting pearls before swine.

Novel Beginnings
Recently, I embarked on a new journey - writing a book. Although I'm no stranger to putting pen to paper, with a background in crafting proposals, technical documentation, blog posts, and web content, penning a book is uncharted territory. Yet, I've always believed in my creative writing abilities.